– Styes
– Boils
– Skin ulcer
– Shingles
The skin is the barrier to the external environment. Acupuncture can not only increase blood flow to the skin but also stimulate the body to release chemicals and hormones, which induce anti-inflammation, immunomodulation and changes in autonomic nerve activity. Acupuncture is normally used in treating atopic dermatitis and herpes zoster pain, and in promoting wound healing.
Many skin conditions are related to the body’s immune and digestive systems. At Floreat Acupuncture Perth, our experienced practitioners may apply various techniques and carefully choose the acupuncture points (acupoints) that suits you the best. The acupoints might be different for each person based on individual conditions; also, the points and techniques many not be the same at your each visit according to your current situation. Please keep in mind that it may take a few sessions to allow your body to get the best possible result. Make sure to discuss your situation thoroughly with your acupuncturist before undergoing treatment.