Acupuncture For Relieving & Treating Shingles Pain
Acupuncture like Acupuncture for Shingles Pain performed at Acupuncture Perth, is beneficial, particularly at initial stage and quicker to recover, having less chances to have post-herpetic neuralgia once blister is healed.
Acupuncture’s Effectiveness In Relieving & Treating Foot Pain
Typical treatments for foot ailments and pain involve use of orthotics or chemical pain relief. Chronic foot pain often fails to respond to these treatments, and thus arises the need for alternative treatment or medicine like Acupuncture for Foot Pain.
Cupping Therapy & Its Effectiveness On Treating Ailments
Cupping therapy is a form of ancient Chinese medicine that has been used thousands of years ago for treating pain, muscle stiffness and other illnesses. Today, cupping therapy is used extensively both as a massage technique practiced at Floreat Acupuncture as well as muscle recovery tool.
Benefits Of Cosmetic Acupuncture To Give You That Much-Desired Flawless Skin!
Cosmetic Acupuncture is non-invasive treatment that involves placing tiny needles into specific points in face for improving skin texture and combating ageing process.
Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction
Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction(PTTD), also known as posterior tibial tendonitis, is one of common conditions of the ankles and feet. PTTD is caused by inflammation or tearing of the posterior tibial tendon, which is one of the major supporting structures of the foot. As a result, the tendon is not able to support the arch of the foot. This causes flatfoot – the foot is fallen and the foot points outwards.
Acupuncture for Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain. Symptoms are typically sharp, stabbing pains in the bottom of the foot near the heel after pressure. The pain can be triggered by a period of walking or after exercise and standing after a period of rest. It is normally the worst when you take the first steps out of bed in the morning.